What does “certified materials” mean?
Certified materials are materials that have been subjected to detailed analysis and evaluation. All of their constituent substances must be known, i.e. all chemicals be identified in terms of their Chemical Abstracts Service registry numbers (CAS no.).
These CAS numbers are assessed by MBDC or EPEA with the help of the chemical assessment regarding their toxicological and eco-toxicological properties (according to their ABC-X categorisation). There are some chemicals whose use automatically makes a product ineligible for certification (‘banned chemicals’).
Only products ready for a continuous closed cycle can earn the certificate. In our case: all constituent substances have to be suitable for the biological cycle.
What can be manufactured with the certified materials?
Whether postcards, printed business supplies, flyers, posters, folders, brochures, books, sustainability reports or other company reports, environmental statements or folding boxes: everything is possible. Just ask a cooperative partner in your area!