Full of imagination, free of any toxic stuff.


A world first from gugler*! The first Cradle to Cradle™ board books, printed using nature’s own template and therefore completely safe for infants.

The Mannheim-based publishing house neunmalklug is no longer using tropical timbers, softening agents or harmful substances, thanks to the firm’s young team’s commitment to ensuring that its production poses no threat to the environment or to health – the perfect conditions for a partnership with the printing company gugler*. Together, gugler* and neunmalklug have produced the world’s first Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM children’s books, printed on certified paper using plant-oil based inks.

‘When the little scamps are in their discovery phase, everything tends to end up in their eager mouths, where it is thoroughly investigated.’ Charlotte Stiefel is proud of the fact that ‘now, for the first time, with neunmalklug books, they can do so without giving cause for concern.’ With her publishing house, she is reaching out to parents who place equal priority on sustainable production and colourful, lovable children’s books that their young children can explore with all of their senses.

‘Das Meer’ and ‘Der Apfelbaum’.

The books ‘Das Meer’ and ‘Der Apfelbaum’ are the world’s first Cradle to Cradle CertifiedCM children’s books and, as such, are not only completely free of toxins but also capable of being composted with no residue. The relationship with the publishing house neunmalklug is of special importance to the printing company gugler*. Company founder Ernst Gugler: ‘neunmalklug and gugler* are proponents of a shared cause here: producing children’s books that are healthy and completely safe for infants.’

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