Print the Change Community meets in Melk

The members of the international Cradle to Cradle™ family plan to strengthen their collaboration in development and marketing

Melk, 1st March 2018. The town of Melk in Lower Austria became the hub of the Print the Change community last week. Managing directors of the community partners convened at gugler* headquarters for two days to decide on the roadmap for 2018. The meeting in Austria had been prompted, among other things, by the opening of gugler*s Sinnreich complex in Melk with its first Austrian plus-energy building inspired by Cradle to Cradle™. After all, this is how nature would build.

At this two-day workshop, the partners presented new Cradle to Cradle™ developments: five new types of paper, three additional types of cardboard packaging, and an adhesive for children’s board books. In addition to that, the workshop participants discussed the focus for 2018. Collectively, the community hopes to collaborate more closely in the future not only on binding techniques, recycled paper, and envelopes, but also in optimizing processes in production and sales & distribution. Marketing is another area that is expected to benefit from the collaboration. Expanding the community is the next step.


Photograph (from the left)


Gitte Haar (KLS PurePrint A/S)

Roswitha Sandwieser (gugler* GmbH)

Renato Vögeli (Vögeli AG)

Ernst Gugler (gugler* GmbH)

Markus Vögeli (Vögeli AG)

Kasper Larsen (KLS PurePrint A/S)

Julia Stieböck (gugler* GmbH)

gugler* wins Golden Pixel Award

Cradle to Cradle™ children’s books won prizes in the “ecological and environmentally friendly” category at this year’s Golden Pixel Awards.

There were 199 submissions, 9 jury members, 13 winners, and 2 special recognitions in 15 categories at this year’s Golden Pixel Awards 2017 for innovative and progressive printing projects.

The Cradle to Cradle™ children’s books printed for the Kosmos publishing house were the winners of the “ecological and environmentally friendly” category. The Golden Pixel Award is an important competition for the German-speaking printing industry, and a good indicator of progress and excellence.

The jury was impressed by the educational content of the Kosmos children’s books as well as the printing method. “Children’s books are products that children handle from a very young age, so where better to start in educating younger generations about environmental awareness if not with children? The authors and illustrators present the animal world to children in a manner appropriate to the age of the reader. The children’s books are produced using materials which have a minimal environmental impact and can be completely recycled. We were impressed by the quality of the product as well as its environmentally sustainable nature,” said the jury, explaining its choice of winner.

Ernst Gugler, founder and managing director of gugler*, said: “We are delighted that our constant and tireless efforts to offer quality, innovation and sustainability have resulted this year in us winning an important award such as this for the tenth time. And we are especially delighted about our innovative partnership with the Kosmos publishing house in Germany without whom this pioneering project for healthy children’s books would not have been possible.”

The Kosmos children’s books are produced to the Cradle to Cradle™ standard, the world’s strictest ecological printing standard. That means all the substances in the paper, ink and glue which are used in each Kosmos children’s book produced by gugler* have been chemically analyzed, optimized, and finally certified. As a result, every book, without exception, is made using natural and healthy substances. This is particularly important for books which are handled by children. The books are free from substances which have been proven to be hazardous, as well as from substances which have not yet been shown to be hazardous. That means they can be unhesitatingly fed back into to the biological lifecycle, i.e. they can be composted. When the books are recycled with the waste paper we put in paper recycling bins, they do not produce the hazardous sludge which is usually created when standard colored inks are removed from paper. When Cradle to Cradle™ printed products are recycled, they produce an organic sludge which can be spread on the fields to fertilize the next generation of trees.

This is how nature would build

gugler*s second green building is complete. It is a showcase upcycling project. Please come in…

Over the past five years gugler*, together with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, has been working on another pioneering recycling project: a 95% recyclable plus-energy company building, inspired by Cradle to Cradle™. A “house of the future”.

What makes our new building so special?
– 1,423 m² extra space,
– timberwork structure,
– 95% of the materials used are recyclable,
– a quarter thereof have already been recycled,
– walls insulated using in-house Cradle to Cradle™ waste paper,
– exterior facade protected by larch slats and old aluminium printing plates,
– plus-energy house – uses less energy than it produces,
– installed with a 148 kWp photovoltaic system,
– waste heat from operating machinery used in heating,
– air conditioning using water from groundwater wells,
– in-house electrical charging station for guests, and
– approx. 17,000 m2 of green space rich in biodiversity for humans and the natural world.

The entire project cost only a little more than a conventional build. That makes this house a showcase project, because it inspires others to follow its example, for economic reasons too. Most importantly, the building can be recycled once it has finished its useful life, and will not leave mounds of hazardous waste for future generations to deal with. Citizens in the western world already generate 300 tons of construction material per head. But following the Cradle to Cradle™ philosophy, the materials used to build a recyclable house will eventually be used as raw materials for a new building.

gugler*s “Sinnreich”

The gugler* team now has a total of around 3,500 m² of usable space. The first 2,000 m2 building (built in 2000) is also a green building, constructed using timber and with compacted clay floors and a green roof. It has just been renovated.

Thanks to our sustainable company premises and our Cradle to Cradle™ production philosophy, our customers take pleasure in knowing that working with gugler* means they are doing their best for humans and the natural world, and that they are helping to protect our environment for our grandchildren’s generation. Here at gugler* we can say with a clear conscience that gugler* is ingenious. That’s why we’ve named the entire complex “gugler*s Sinnreich”, a meaningful place that makes sense.

Print the Change Community Meeting

Print the Change Community Meeting on 23 / 24 February 2017 in Langnau, Switzerland

On 23-24 February 2017, members of the Print the Change Community came together for their community meeting on the premises of our new partner Vögeli AG in Langnau, Switzerland. We were welcomed cordially and felt very much at home. Besides voting by Skype, phone and e-mail, the objective of this meeting, which is held once or twice a year, is to get better acquainted with the partners and production facilities on site and to take time for joint projects. We were particularly impressed by the Swiss order and precision in the printshop. The joint roadmap with the most important development projects was discussed along with cooperative agreements with suppliers. Research work consequently focused on additional printing stock (cardboard, magazine paper), processing (bookbinding, foil lamination) and joint marketing activities.


Photo (L. to R.)

Roswitha Sandwieser, Sustainability Manager Gugler GmbH, Austria

Markus Vögeli, Owner Vögeli AG, Switzerland

Kasper Larsen, Chief Commercial Officer KLS PurePrint A/S, Denmark

Gitte Haar, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer KLS PurePrint A/S, Denmark

Ernst Gugler, Managing Director, Gugler GmbH, Austria

Renato Vögeli, Owner Vögeli AG, Switzerland

The green revolution in printing continues


Ernst Gugler, CEO of the communication agency gugler*, hands over the TRIGOS award to Kasper Larsen from KLS PurePrint.Ernst Gugler, CEO of the communication agency gugler*, hands over the TRIGOS award to Kasper Larsen from KLS PurePrint.

PrintTheChange community: awarded the Trigos and already planning the next healthy projects
Melk, 28 June 2016

Only a few days ago, the PrintTheChange community was awarded the TRIGOS 2016 for the “best partnership– international commitment”. The partners gugler* print and KLS PurePrint A/S (Denmark) have now met in Melk to set the course for joint projects in the coming year.

Cradle to Cradle™ print products satisfy the highest ecological printing standards worldwide. The PrintTheChange community has now set about defining the strategy for the coming years to supply the world with Cradle to Cradle™ print products. Incidentally, weight and quantity are not bad things here because these print products have no negative impact on humans and the environment, either in their production or their use. They are also the healthiest print products because they contain neither toxic substances nor petroleum residues, a very important factor, particularly in the field of children’s books. The idea behind this is to raise awareness.
Cradle to Cradle™ is much more than just residue-free paper and healthy inks. Only companies who offer the complete package of renewable energies, protection of the quality of water and social responsibility will be certified.

Wider choice of different products

The aim of both printing companies is to constantly expand the papers and boards they offer, and to offer further print components and finishings based on the Cradle to Cradle™ criteria. Meetings will be held at least once a year to successively pursue this goal – by coordinating further developments, raising the level of awareness and further expanding the network. One important step in this direction is the new web site

TRIGOS award winner

Companies from a total of 126 submissions and 29 nominees were awarded the TRIGOS, Austria’s most famous prize for corporate social responsibility, at the beginning of June. gugler* received the TRIGOS for the PrintTheChange community. The jury’s reasoning: gugler* cooperates with the Danish printers KLS Grafisk Hus, as well as EPEA internationale Umweltforschung GmbH and the Vugge til Vugge ApS Research Institute. The Print the Change community helps promote Cradle to Cradle™ printing in Europe. During the meeting in Melk, Ernst Gugler passed on the award to Kasper Larsen from KLS PurePrint. Kasper Larsen: „We at KLS PurePrint are proud to receive this prize together with Gugler, who have become one of our closest and most strategic business partners. We are certain of the potential in this partnership but we are happy that a visionary organization like Trigos recognizes this potential too.”

A round of awards for gugler*


Commitment and quality: this is what the two awards that gugler* received within only a few days of each other stand for: the TRIGOS 2016 for the “Best partnership – international commitment”, namely for the Cradle-to-Cradle™ community “PrintTheChange”. Only the day before the company had celebrated an award for the book “UM_BAU 28” that was printed in Melk as one of “the most beautiful German books” – a premiere.

The TRIGOS Austria winners were honoured with the coveted CSR Trophy during a festive gala on 14 June 2016 in the WU Mensa. Six companies from a total of 126 submissions and 29 nominees were awarded the TRIGOS, Austria’s most famous prize for corporate social responsibility, during a festive gala. gugler* received the TRIGOS for the PrintTheChange community. The jury’s reasoning: gugler* cooperates with the Danish printers KLS Grafisk Hus, as well as EPEA internationale Umweltforschung GmbH and the Vugge til Vugge ApS Research Institute. The Print the Change community helps promote Cradle to Cradle™ printing in Europe.

Knud Erik Larsen and Kasper Larsen from the Danish printers KLSPurePrint A/S are print pioneers along with gugler*: “Our Cradle-to-Cradle™-certified printed products are our contribution to leaving future generations a world with fewer hazardous chemicals and less waste. Eliminating these hazardous substances from our production process makes sense for all: for us, our customers and everyone else in the world.”

One of the most beautiful German books comes from Melk

“UM-BAU 28. Das Geschäft mit der Stadt. Zum Verhältnis von Ökonomie, Architektur und Stadtplanung” from the Swiss publishers Birkhäuser Verlag is one of the most beautiful German books and was honoured in the field of reference books, academic books, non-fiction and textbooks. One of the reasons given for the decision was that the clever folding is so stimulating that: “you begin to play around with the folding mechanism and completely forget to read the book.”

Ernst Gugler, CEO of the communication agency gugler*, together with Michael Landau, President of Caritas Austria. (Credit: TRIGOS/APA-Fotoservice/Tanzer)

Ernst Gugler, CEO of the communication agency gugler*, together with Michael Landau, President of Caritas Austria. (Credit: TRIGOS/APA-Fotoservice/Tanzer)

Thread-stitching, special folding of the cover, type area, text types – UM_BAU 28 is simply beautiful!

Thread-stitching, special folding of the cover, type area, text types – UM_BAU 28 is simply beautiful!


gugler* print is the first Austrian printing company that has put the closed production cycle idea into practice. Ernst Gugler, CEO of the family-run business, explains: “Materials ae regarded as nutrients that circulate in permanent closed loops so that no waste is produced.” The complete production process in the printing works was analysed in 2009 and substitutes by other steps, or completely new processes steps were developed. Cradle to Cradle™-certified printed products from gugler* can thus be composted, burn or recycled to paper without harming humans or the environment.

Further inquiries:

Mag. Sandra Paweronschitz
PR and Communication
gugler* brand – digital – print
3390 Melk/Donau, Auf der Schön 2, Austria
T: +43 2752 500 50-237
M: +43 664 608 42-237

Highest standard for eco-friendly printing – confirmed!


The communication company gugler* has once again received Silver-level certification for its Cradle to Cradle™ printed products.
Read more

Full of imagination, free of any toxic stuff.


A world first from gugler*! The first Cradle to Cradle™ board books, printed using nature’s own template and therefore completely safe for infants.
Read more

Expertise exported to Denmark


As of May 2015, products meeting our Cradle to Cradle™ printing standard are now also available in the following countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Greenland and Iceland. The Danish printing company KLS Grafisk Hus has become our first network partner. Read more